618-538-5312 mrc5312@aol.com

Protecting Your Grease: A Warning on the Rise of Grease Theft

In recent times, the owners of Momo Sushi in Springfield, MO were left stunned when they discovered that two individuals had drained thousands of dollars worth of used cooking oil from their establishment. What makes this crime particularly insidious is that the thieves were masquerading as the legitimate grease removal company hired by the restaurant. This incident sheds light on a growing trend of grease theft, where perpetrators are pilfering used cooking oil for various motives. In this article, we explore the motives behind this peculiar crime, provide tips on how to detect if your cooking oil is being stolen, and offer guidance on what to do if you suspect someone is stealing your used cooking grease.

Cooking Grease Theft

Cooking Grease Theft

Motives Behind Grease Theft

  1. Profit Motive:
    • The primary motive behind grease theft is often financial gain. Used cooking oil has value in the biodiesel and animal feed industries. Thieves may steal it to sell to unscrupulous buyers who use it for these purposes, turning a quick profit.
  2. Illegal Biodiesel Production:
    • Some individuals engage in illegal activities by refining stolen used cooking oil into biodiesel. This underground market poses not only an economic threat to legitimate businesses but also environmental and safety risks.
  3. Lack of Regulation:
    • The used cooking oil industry lacks stringent regulations, making it an attractive target for thieves. With limited oversight, perpetrators see an opportunity to exploit the system without fear of immediate consequences.

Detecting Grease Theft

  1. Irregularities in Pick-Up Schedule:
    • Monitor the pick-up schedule of your grease removal company. If there are sudden delays, unexplained changes in timing, or inconsistent service, it may be a red flag.
  2. Uniform and Vehicle Verification:
    • Legitimate grease removal companies typically have identifiable uniforms and marked vehicles. If the individuals collecting your used cooking oil lack proper uniforms or their vehicle has no company logo, exercise caution and verify their credentials.
  3. Documentation and Photography:
    • Keep detailed records of your grease removal transactions, including dates, times, and amounts. If suspicions arise, take photographs of the individuals, their vehicle, and the license plate for verification.

What to Do If You Suspect Grease Theft

  1. Contact Your Grease Removal Company:
    • Immediately contact your grease removal company to verify the identity of the individuals collecting the used cooking oil. Provide any evidence or suspicions you may have.
  2. File a Police Report:
    • If the theft is confirmed or suspected, file a police report promptly. Provide law enforcement with all relevant details, including photos, timestamps, and any other information that may aid in the investigation.
  3. Increase Security Measures:
    • Consider enhancing security measures around your grease storage area, such as installing surveillance cameras or additional lighting. Deterrents can discourage potential thieves.

The rising occurrence of grease theft poses a significant threat to businesses relying on used cooking oil removal services. By understanding the motives behind this crime and implementing vigilant detection measures, restaurant owners can protect their valuable resources. In the unfortunate event of grease theft, swift action, including contacting the grease removal company and law enforcement, is crucial to apprehend the perpetrators and prevent further incidents. Stay alert, stay informed, and safeguard your grease from those looking to exploit this often overlooked commodity.

Millstadt Rendering: Your Key to Recycling Used Cooking Oil

Millstadt Rendering is here to support your efforts in maintaining your solid bottom line through our Grease Recycling Rebate Program. Call us at: 618-538-5312. Happy frying!

Schedule Your Grease Pickup Now